Case Study: SaaS Start-up Pitch DeckProduct-Market Fit

Image for Afonex medical product pitch deck case study
Arriving in Canada from Africa, this experienced doctor and surgeon found the only health care role he was eligible for was as an LPN in Long Term Care facilities. In the LTCs, he would witness unnecessary patient suffering and admin waste that drove him to make things better using innovative technology and AI. But he was alone, lacking resources and connections. He needed some help.

Medical training, patient experience, and a master’s degree in health informatics led this client to create AccessEMR – a cloud-based electronic medical record system for long-term care facilities. Leveraging proprietary AI, this SaaS platform enables fast clinical decision support for care providers and cost savings for facility operators.

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AccessEMR was, at the time, a new, boot-strapped start-up with a good idea but short of resources necessary to prove and grow the business. Therefore, they needed to build a network of support and contacts to properly begin the step-by-step journey from start-up to a validated growth-stage tech company.


The solution steps we took were:

  • Worked with client to identify the competitive white space positioning for his pitch deck.
  • Created a professional pitch deck highlighting the platform’s unique AI capabilities.
    • Assisted the client in his pitch message & practice.
  • Helped build connections for AccessEMR:
    • With tech industry connectors, influencers, mentors, VCs, Angels; and
    • With tech start-up programs & assistance providers, promotion platforms & support community.
    • Identified available government and private sector funding programs.
    • Introduced client to relevant connections and organizations.


This client leveraged the positioning and story documented in the pitch deck:

  • Access EMR earned acceptance into the sought-after Platform Junction pre-accelerator program and won the Junction Founders Showcase award as the best start-up.
  • From this award, AccessEMR accessed thousands of dollars of marketing and sales growth training and began building a network of tech community connections and new customers.
  • AccessEMR continues to grow in status and has now earned entry to the Alberta Innovates – GrowthX Accelerator.

The road for new start-ups is always long and hard. And AccessEMR continues along that difficult journey. But through the pro-bono work of Afdonex, AccessEMR has a stronger foundation and pitch story and more support connections to help navigate the obstacles on the way.

contact afdonex for a free initial consultation!